About us

One underpinning principle of the group is a commitment to the concept that original and radical innovation occurs at the point of intersection between different perspectives, thus, where different areas of research, expertise, and cultures meet. The current and past group members are therefore of various backgrounds, i.e bioengineering, biotechnology, physics, cancer biology, molecular and cell biology, biochemistry and pharmacology, and are of British, Egyptian, German, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Kenyan, Korean, Pakistani, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Syrian, South African, Swedish, Turkish, US nationalities.
Dr Gad has led collaboration- and team-based multidisciplinary research in Sweden, Portugal and the UK, and established an interdisciplinary and international network of colleagues, with current and past collaborators in the UK, Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, Portugal, USA, Singapore and China.
Dr Gad is based and employed at the University of Sheffield, UK, and is also affiliated to the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre, CQM, University of Madeira, Portugal, and to Uppsala University, Sweden. Dr Gad was recruited from Portugal to the UK in 2019 to promote research collaborations between the research in oncology in medical school and the faculty of engineering at the University of Sheffield.